miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014


Este verano, la extensión de hielo marino, que cubre el Océano Ártico se redujo al mínimo jamás observado desde hace tres décadas, según los científicos de la agencia espacial estadounidense (NASA) y del Centro de Datos de Hielo y Nieve de EEUU (NSIDC). El último y triste récord se alcanzó antes de que terminara la temporada de deshielo en el Ártico, que suele tener lugar a mediados o finales de septiembre.

En las últimas tres décadas, los satélites han observado una disminución del 13% por década en periodo estival, lo que supone una cifra histórica desde que se comenzó a observar por satélite la superficie ártica, hace treinta años.

La capa de hielo del mar crece naturalmente en los fríos inviernos árticos y se contrae cuando las temperaturas suben en primavera y verano, según indica el NSIDC. La extensión de hielo marino en el Ártico el pasado 26 de agosto era de 410 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, lo que suponen 70.000 kilómetros cuadrados menos que la superficie registrada en septiembre de 2007.
Asimismo, un estudio de la Universidad de Estocolmo afirmó que la descongelación de las placas de hielo, congeladas desde la era Glacial en el Ártico, provocará la emisión de 44 millones de toneladas de carbono a la atmósfera, diez veces más de lo que se creía hasta ahora y una emisión masiva de gases de efecto invernadero.

Al finalizar la campaña entregaremos todas las firmas recogidas al Gobierno para que lo que pedimos se convierta en una realidad. Hasta entonces, además de con tu firma, puedes apoyar la campaña compartiéndola en las redes sociales, al utilizar el hashtag #SalvaelÁrtico estarás contagiando a más personas la importancia de proteger una zona tan vulnerable y necesaria para el Planeta.

Más de 100 actores de todo el mundo, músicos, exploradores polares y líderes ya se han convertido en Embajadores y han sumado sus nombres para salvar el Ártico. Ahora tú puedes conseguirlo.

Uno de ellos ha sido Alejandro Sanz, que ha llegado a escribirle al presidente Obama y charlar con él sobr e el asunto.

Según GreenPeace de Estados Unidos la compañía Shell, ya no va a hacer peroforaciones petrolíferas en el Ártico, que fue la razón principal de esta campaña mundial. Aún así, los efectos del calentamiento global siguen azotando con fuerza al Ártico y a los animales que habitan allí.

Tú puedes hacer algo para evitarlo, con un simple gesto como rellenar los datos que pedimos, puedes firmar para que la zona no habitada que rodea el Polo Norte sea declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad.


 Desde la expedición de Alejandro Sanz al Ártico hasta la acción que llevo a los 30 tripulantes de nuestro barco Arctic Sunrise dos meses a una cárcel rusa. ¡Cada vez estamos un poquito más cerca de proteger el Ártico!

Diseases Caused By Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major concern among environmentalists and conservationists. Hundreds of laws aimed at its reduction and minimize its effects; herbalists have created numerous solutions to detoxify and heal the body from damage caused by this pollution. Doctors and researchers have discovered numerous diseases caused or at least aggravated by air pollution, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema.

Air pollution is one of the known causes for asthma. For those who already suffer from asthma attacks , pollution can aggravate the condition and cause the attacks. In addition , people who are healthy can develop this condition after years of work or live in an area with a very polluted air. This type of asthma is known as " occupational asthma " because it is the result of work in a particularly polluted region . 

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD , its acronym) is a condition associated with frequent pulmonary inflammation and infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia condition. Smoking is a major cause of COPD, but prolonged exposure to highly polluted air can cause this disease , too.


Emphysema is a disease commonly associated with smoking , and this causes at least 80% of the diseases , but air pollution in the workplace can also cause it. Pollutants in the air or smoke build up in the lungs and damage the mucus layer that covers the lungs and keeps them healthy , leading to inflammation, infections and blockages. 

Lung Cancer 
Air pollution may contribute to lung cancer, particularly in people who have grown up in areas with a lot of airborne contaminants , since exposure to these substances in the developing years can have a big impact on the lungs. The accumulation of small particles from the air in the lungs can lead to cancerous growths , and air pollution has been determined that it can increase the risk of lung cancer as much as secondhand smoke . 

Heart Diseases
Air pollution has been shown as a factor in the development of heart disease, including heart attacks and cardiac arrests . It has been shown that secondhand smoke increases the incidence of heart attacks, and carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are also taxpayers . Air pollution has been shown to cause heart disease ; when pollutants enter the lungs and enter the blood stream , producing inflammation and increase heart rate .

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

The Earth Day

This year , the Day of Mother Earth will focus on green cities , with the aim to mobilize millions of people to achieve a healthy and sustainable environment. Currently, more than half of the world population lives in cities. As the urban population grows and the effects of climate change worsen, our cities must evolve .It's time to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency, will rebuild our cities and begin to solve the problem of climate change. The " Green Cities " campaign aims to create a worldwide movement for the next two years to accelerate this transition. Join the campaign for a new era of green cities .
The Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and livelihoods along our existence. It also means recognizing the responsibility we , as set forth in the Rio Declaration of 1992 , to promote harmony with nature and the Earth to achieve a balance between economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations future .
The " Green Cities " helps cities and communities around the world to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future . Campaign More information: http://www.earthday.org/greencities/about/ .Contribute to the Mother Earth DayOn April 22 of each year, more than one billion people in 190 countries participate in Earth Day . In so different and distant cities like San Francisco , San Juan , Brussels, Moscow or Marrakech , citizens plant trees , clean up their communities and contact their political representatives in environmental protection .As in previous celebrations, the focus of Mother Earth Day this year is inspired by the environmental challenges of our own time. As people migrate to the cities and the effects of climate change are more apparent , the need to create sustainable communities is more important than ever. The idea that revolves around the campaign this year is "green cities." With investments in sustainable technology , progressive public policies and an informed and engaged citizenry , we can transform our cities and we will get a sustainable future . There is nothing more powerful than the combined action of one billion people.